Are you looking for the latest SCA-C01 exam dumps in 2023? You’ve come to the right place, Pass4itSure provides the latest SCA-C01 exam dumps for the Tableau SCA-C01 exam, excellent SCA-C01 exam preparation materials, and strong enough to pass the Tableau Server Certified Associate exam on the first attempt.
Latest SCA-C01 exam dumps With 186 new question and answer questions, the most complete preparation materials, welcome to learn.

What is the Tableau Server Certified Associate exam?
The SCA-C01 exam is for those who have a comprehensive understanding of Tableau server functionality with approximately 4-6 months of experience in a single machine environment and in a single machine environment. Typical roles include system administrator or consultant.
The SCA-C01 exam requires 920 multiple-choice, multiple-answer questions to be answered in 55 minutes. The passing score for the SCA-C01 exam is 750. The Tableau Server Certified Associate exam fee is $250.
Having difficulty passing the Tableau SCA-C01 exam, what should I do?
First, you’ll need to find the latest Tableau SCA-C01 exam preparation materials to prepare for the exam.
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Second, you need to practice the SCA-C01 exam questions.
Where can I get the latest SCA-C01 exam questions in PDF?\
Dumpclick has prepared free SCA-C01 exam questions for you.
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Updated Tableau SCA-C01 Exam Questions Free[2023]
Which Tableau Server process is being described? Tableau Server\\’s librarian – handles fast index search, filter, retrieval, and display of content metadata on the server
A. Ask Data
B. Backgrounder
C. Gateway
D. Search and Browse
E. Application Server
Correct Answer: D
A Tableau Server user received an error message that states: “The view snapshot in this email could not be properly rendered.” – which of the following reasons below IS NOT a plausible reason for this?
A. The underlying database is temporarily down
B. The user\\’s VIEW permissions capability has been set to deny
C. The Backgrounder process timed out
D. Missing or out-of-date credentials
Correct Answer: B
Select all the correct statements about receiving the HTTP 401 – Not Authorized error:
A. You may have configured Tableau Server to use Kerberos
B. If your web server uses SSPI, you do not need to set up trusted authentication
C. You may have configured Tableau Server to use Active Directory with SSPI
D. If your web server uses SSPI, you still need to set up trusted authentication
Correct Answer: BC
Which of the following IS NOT part of the Explore template of capabilities that can be configured for workbooks?
A. Overwrite
B. Download Full Data
C. Web Edit
D. Share Customized
Correct Answer: A
Which of the following options below best describes the correct steps to be undertaken when an organization wants to change its identity store from Local Authentication to Active Directory (or vice versa)?
A. Perform a full uninstall (including manual deletion of directories) and then reinstall Tableau Server once again
B. Refer to the REST API developer documentation for pre-built scripts that will automate this process for you
C. Run the TSM command tsm configuration set to update the authentication mechanism, and then restart your Tableau Server uses tsm restart to update the settings
Correct Answer: A
Select the correct option below that represents the correct URL structure for a Tableau view with the following filter criteria: “Toys in the West region”
A. http:
B. http:
C. http:
Correct Answer: C
Which Tableau Server process is being described? Manages the data connections to Tableau Server data sources
A. Application Server
B. Ask Data
C. Data Server
D. Backgrounder
Correct Answer: C
In order to be HA, you must install Tableau Server on at least 3 nodes. What is the primary reason for this?
A. The primary reason for this is that Tableau Server relies on the concept of a quorum to determine if the cluster is in a
consistent state to protect against network partitioning problems.
B. The primary reason is that 2 nodes are simply not enough from a computing power perspective to shoulder all the load in a HA deployment
Correct Answer: A
Prior to sending Tableau Desktop to log files to Tableau Technical Support, an essential first step is to create clean logs. Which option below best describes the correct course of action for this initial step?
A. In the My Tableau Repository folder, delete the current Logs folder to create a clean slate and save space
B. In the My Tableau Repository folder, rename the current Logs folder to Logs_Backup. This effectively archives the outdated logs and will force Tableau Desktop to create a new and clean Logs folder
C. In the My Tableau Repository folder, transfer the current Logs folder to another temporary location in your local machine
Correct Answer: B
Which Tableau Server process is being described?
Responsible for monitoring various components, detecting failures Running failover when needed Must be installed on each node
A. Cluster Controller
B. Application Server
C. Ask Data
D. Backgrounder
E. Cache Server
Correct Answer: A
An admin came across this error in Windows Event Viewer: “Error sending an email. Can\’t send command to SMTP host.” what is a potential solution to this problem?
A. Configure your SMTP server to use encrypted (SSL) sessions
B. Upgrade the users to an Explorer license so that they can receive notifications
C. Change your SMTP connections setting to unencrypted
Correct Answer: C
If you later decide that you want to disable remote access to the Tableau Server repository, which command should you run?
A. tsm data-access repository-access disable
B. tsm Postgres-repository disable
C. tsm data-access repository-access close
Correct Answer: A
True or False:
If you will be using SSL, then the port must be 443 because Tableau Server does not support other ports for SSL.
Correct Answer: A
The latest SCA-C01 exam dumps can help you pass the exam quickly. Pass4itSure has updated the SCA-C01 exam dumps, and you can trust it. You can practice the Pass4itSure SCA-C01 exam dumps questions and understand the concepts of the exam to successfully pass the Tableau SCA C01 exam.