[Microsoft Up To Dated -2018] The Best Microsoft MB2-715 Dumps Microsoft Dynamics 365 Exam Questions Video Training Are The Best Materials 90Q Offer(1-19)

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Where can I get online Microsoft MB2-715 dumps training? The best Pass4itsure Microsoft MB2-715 dumps exam questions pdf for Microsoft Dynamics 365 customer engagement Online Deployment video training are the best materials. The “Microsoft Dynamics 365 customer engagement Online Deployment” certification MB2-715 dumps exam verifies that the candidate possesses the deep knowledge required in the area of MCP, MCSA. We provide the customers with MB2-715 dumps actual test latest version, the realest study materials. This https://www.pass4itsure.com/mb2-715.html dumps certificate proves that the candidate has an advanced understanding within network administrators, network managers, solution architects, functional consultants, partners, and project managers and is able to apply these skills practically and provide guidance in Microsoft Dynamics 365 customer engagement Online Deployment.

MB2-715 dumps

Kill your exam with Microsoft MB2-715 dumps real questions(1-19)

You are the administrator of a Microsoft Dynamics 365 instance. Staff want to take advantage of Microsoft Exchange inbox folders in Microsoft Outlook to sort and track the email messages they have with customers. Which action must you take to fulfill their request?
A. Use smart matching.
B. Use folder-level tracking.
C. Use tracking tokens.
D. Use correlation to track email conversations.
MB2-715 exam Correct Answer: A

Your are implementing Microsoft Dynamics 365 in an organization where many users have former versions of Microsoft Outlook and Windows. What is the earliest supported scenario for Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Outlook?
A. Windows 8 and Microsoft Office 2010
B. Windows 7 SP1 and Microsoft Office 2010
C. Windows 8.1 and Microsoft Office 2013
D. Windows 10 and Microsoft Office 2016
Correct Answer: B

You are a system administrator at Contoso, Inc. You need to ensure that administrative notifications for your production instance are also sent to your external partner. What should you do?
A. Add the external partner to the deployment administrators group.
B. Create an Office 365 group and forward notifications to the group.
C. Create a security group and forward notifications to the group.
D. Add the external partner as an additional recipient on the production instance.
MB2-715 dumps Correct Answer: C

You are a remote sales person using the Microsoft Dynamics 365 app on your tablet. You need to create new records while in an area with no Internet access. Which two statements are true about creating records offline? Each correct answer presents a complete solution.
A. Recently viewed records cached for offline access can be edited.
B. New records can be edited while they are drafts.
C. New records can be created as drafts while offline.
D. New records can be linked to each other while they are drafts.
Correct Answer: AC

You are a system administrator, and your company recently began using Microsoft Dynamics 365. You need to perform a full copy from a training sandbox instance to one of your production instances. What should you do?
A. Switch the production instance to a sandbox, and perform a full copy from training.
B. Place the production instance in Administration mode, and perform a full copy from training.
C. Perform a full copy from the training instance to the production instance.
D. Switch the training instance to production, and perform a full copy.
MB2-715 pdf Correct Answer: B

You are the network administrator for your company. Management wants to deploy Microsoft Dynamics 365 for the sales division. The company has more than 2 million records, currently stored on-premises, that need to be migrated to Microsoft Dynamics 365. The technology director wants you to utilize the Data Loader service for the migration process for the fastest possible migration. What is a prerequisite for running the Data Loader service in this instance?
A. The data must be cleansed before using the Import Data Wizard to migrate it to the cloud.
B. Third-party tools must be installed in order to migrate the data with the Data Loader service.
C. The data set must reside in Azure on the same data center that hosts the company’s Microsoft Dynamics 365 instance.
D. The data must first be converted to CSV files before uploading it with the Import Data Wizard.
Correct Answer: A

You are the system administrator for a company that is deploying Microsoft Dynamics 365 in multiple regions. You need to ensure that users can only access the instance hosted in their region. Which two actions should you perform to achieve this goal? Each correct answer presents part of the solution.
A. Create an Access Team for each region, and add the users from that region to the team.
B. Assign the Access Team to the instance hosted on the matching region.
C. Create a Security Group for each region, and add the users from that region to the group.
D. Assign the Security Group to the instance hosted on the matching region.
MB2-715 vce Correct Answer: BC

You are a system administrator. Staff at your company are reporting that when they load private documents into the Microsoft Dynamics 365 integration with Microsoft SharePoint, other staff members can access those documents. You need to implement a solution that allows staff to save documents using Microsoft Dynamics 365 so that documents can only be seen by the owner. What should you do?
A. Configure OneDrive for Business integration with Microsoft Dynamics 365.
B. Run Microsoft SharePoint Integration Wizard, and change the settings.
C. Change the privacy-related privileges in Microsoft Dynamics 365.
D. Change the Office Graph document settings in Microsoft Dynamics 365.
Correct Answer: D

You are the technology director for a company that is preparing to implement Microsoft Dynamics 365. Since sales staff are allowed to bring their own devices to work, you are preparing a list of supported mobile devices that meet the minimum requirements of Microsoft Dynamics 365. Which two mobile device environments should be included in you? Each correct answer presents a complete solution.
A. a tablet with 1 GB of memory running Windows 8.1
B. a 7-inch iPad Mini that has 8 GB of memory and uses Safari
C. a Windows 10 phone that uses the Microsoft Dynamics 365 app
D. a tablet with 2 GB of memory running Windows 7
MB2-715 exam Correct Answer: B

You are a technical support specialist for your company and are responsible for supporting employee mobile devices. The sales department recently began using Microsoft Dynamics 365. Some of the sales staff want to know if they need to use Microsoft Dynamics 365 for phones
express to access the Microsoft Dynamics 365 server. Which type of mobile device configuration requires the use of Microsoft Dynamics 365 for phones express?
A. an iOS device with less than a 9-inch screen
B. an Android phone that does not have a supported browser
C. a Windows 10 phone that uses only a supported browser
D. a Windows 8.1 phone that uses the Microsoft Dynamics 365 for phones app
Correct Answer: A

You are the network administrator for a company that uses Microsoft Dynamics 365 and are reviewing all of the licensed users for your organization to ensure all are up to date. What will occur if you remove a Microsoft Dynamics 365 license from a user?
A. The user can access sandbox instances but not production instances.
B. The user can access all instances but only view data in read-only mode.
C. The user’s account is deleted and cannot access any instances.
D. The user’s account is disabled and cannot access any instances.
MB2-715 dumps Correct Answer: C

You are the technology director for a company that is planning a Microsoft Dynamics 365 implementation. The com currently uses Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. You are researching which edition is best to purchase for the company. In which instance is the Enterprise edition required?
A. The sales staff use desktop computers, as well as mobile devices.
B. The sales staff need online / on-premises dual use rights.
C. The sales staff use only a company-issued laptop to access Microsoft Dynamics 365.
D. The company wants all of its applications to be cloud-based.
Correct Answer: C

As a system administrator, you want to integrate the Office Graph from Microsoft Office 365 into Microsoft Dynamics 365. Which two steps should you take to perform this integration? Each corfeftfl answer presents part of the solution.
A. Set up Microsoft OneNote integration.
B. Enable Microsoft OneDrive for Business integration.
C. Enable Microsoft Office Graph integration.
D. Set up server-based Microsoft SharePoint integration.
MB2-715 pdf Correct Answer: B

You are an administrator for an organization using Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Outlook. Your users are synchronizing records but want to make a few adjustments on which fields are included in the synchronization. Who can make this change?
A. users with system administrator privileges
B. users with privileges to use the Microsoft Dynamics 365 App for Outlook
C. users with privileges to sync to Outlook
D. users with privileges to go offline
Correct Answer: A

You are the sales manager for a company that has more than 15,000 employees. You plan to purchase Microsoft Dynamics 365 for your company, although only 750 seats will be required. Management wants all Microsoft Dynamics 365 users to have access to all Microsoft Dynamics 365 applications. Based on this criteria, which licensing option should you select?
A. Enterprise Edition with APPS-based Licensing
B. Enterprise Edition with Plan-based Licensing
C. Business Edition with Plan-based Licensing
D. Business Edition with APPS-based Licensing
MB2-715 vce Correct Answer: D

You are the technology director for a company that is considering a Microsoft Dynamics 365 implementation. You are researching the type of license subscription you need to purchase. In which two instances would a User Subscription License be appropriate? Each correct answer presents a complete solution.
A. a sales executive who uses a combination of company and personal devices to access Microsoft Dynamics 365
B. desktop computers in the company’s training room that new sales staff use for training on company applications
C. a company workstation in the marketing department used by everyone on the sales staff
D. a Windows 10 phone that is only used by the sales manager of the company
Correct Answer: BC

You are a network administrator for a company that is preparing for a Microsoft Dynamics 365 implementation. Your users use both Windows and Mac laptops. Management wants users to be able to use Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Out.ook. What is a requirement for the Office for Mac users?
A. They must use the Microsoft Dynamics 365 App for Outlook.
B. They must have the Opera Web Browser installed.
C. They must have Google Chrome installed.
D. They must have the latest Firefox installed.
MB2-715 exam Correct Answer: A

You are a system administrator for an organization that relies solely on an ISV solution for Microsoft Dynamics 365. Your instances are scheduled to be updated. What are two approaches for this update? Each correct answer presents part of the solution.
A. Test the update in your sandbox environments prior to updating production.
B. Contact your ISV provider, and follow their recommendation for this update.
C. Update production. With an ISV solution, there is no need to go through a test process.
D. Import the updated version of the ISV solution prior to the update of your instance.
Correct Answer: AD

Microsoft Dynamics 36b and Skype for Business are implemented at your company. You recently became system administrator, and you notice that the Skype for Business presence is not displaying in Microsoft Dynamics 365. What should you do in Microsoft Dynamics 365 to resolve this issue?
A. Enable country/region code prefixing.
B. Select the provider for Click-to-Call.
C. Change user settings for the security roles.
D. Enable presence for the system.
MB2-715 dumps Correct Answer: B
MB2-715 dumps

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