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Do you have the latest Peoplecert Management of Risk (MoR) Foundation exam questions?

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Free PeopleCert PC0-006 Exam Dumps Actual Questions


Which BEST describes an area of uncertainty from the operational perspective?

A. Variation to the schedule of a defined business product
B. Availability of skills required to deliver services to customers
C. Minimizing disruptions to customer services during transformational change
D. Damage to the organization\\’s infrastructure

Correct Answer: B


Which is NOT a recommended risk response option for an \\’ opportunity\\’?

A. Enhance
B. Transfer
C. Share
D. Reduce

Correct Answer: D


Which statement describes the \\’ avoid a threat\\’ risk response option?

A. Perform an action to minimize the impact of the risk should it occur
B. Remove the cause of the threat
C. Obtain an insurance policy to cover the impact should the risk occur
D. Partake in a pain/gain contract with another party for the specified risk

Correct Answer: B


What objectives are associated with decisions on risks to the achievement of long-term goals?

A. Strategic
B. Programme
C. Project
D. Operational

Correct Answer: A


Which BEST describes an area of uncertainty from the strategic perspective?

A. Changes to scope, quality, cost, and schedule of business products
B. Impact of business changes on current organizational performance
C. Ability of the infrastructure to meet the required level of service
D. Stakeholder opinions of operational activities that may affect the organizational reputation

Correct Answer: D


Which is the use of the \’SWOT analysis\’ technique?

A. Estimating the market share of competitors
B. Examining regulatory and corporate governance requirements
C. Informing of the status of the risks facing an activity
D. Identifying future developments that are at the margins of current thinking

Correct Answer: A


Which is needed together with the risk management policy and risk management process guide to forming an \’ M_o_R approach\’?

A. Risk response plan
B. Risk progress report
C. Risk register
D. Risk management strategy

Correct Answer: D


How is the risk register used in the \\’ assess – estimate\\’ step?

A. Revise risk descriptions as necessary
B. Record identified risks
C. Identify risk owners
D. Update the residual risk exposure

Correct Answer: A


How is the risk progress report used in the \\’ implement\\’ step?

A. Identify the status against the activity\\’s stated measures for risk management
B. Identify the scales used to measure the probability and impact of a risk
C. Describe actions to enhance how risk management is performed
D. Gain agreement for the amount of risk that can be taken

Correct Answer: A


What is an issue?

A. An uncertain event that may occur in the future
B. An outcome perceived as negative by one or more stakeholders
C. An intangible artifact produced as a result of a planned activity
D. A relevant event that has happened requiring management action

Correct Answer: D


Which is the purpose of the \’ risk management policy\’?

A. Explain the actions required to implement risk management
B. Define the Specific risk management activities that will be performed for an activity
C. Describe how risk management practices will be implemented throughout an organization
D. Record information about threats and opportunities for an organizational activity

Correct Answer: C


Which is a central \’M_o_R approach\’ document?

A. Risk management policy
B. Risk register
C. Risk improvement plan
D. Risk communications plan

Correct Answer: A


Which BEST describes an area of uncertainty from the program perspective?

A. Disruptions to operations during business change implementation
B. Introduction of new laws that affect core business activities
C. Availability of resources for the day-to-day delivery of services to customers
D. Changes to the scope of defined business products

Correct Answer: A

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