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Citrix Education – 1Y0-A26:

About the 1Y0-A26 exam:

Citrix certifications are now solutions-based, reflecting the evolving needs of IT professionals and organizations.
As a certified associate, professional or expert, you can prove that you have the real-world skills and experience required to
deliver successful Citrix solutions.

Pass4itsure offers the latest Citrix CCA 1Y0-A26 practice test free of charge (35Q&As)

Exam B
Scenario: An administrator is unable to connect to a resource pool in a XenServer environment in which high availability is enabled. The administrator discovers
that the host is unreachable.
What does the administrator need to do to recover the host?
A. Run the pool-disable command, then the host-shutdown command and then restart the host.
B. Run the pool-disable command, then run the pool-emergency-reset-master command and restart the host.
C. Run the emergency-ha-disable command, then once the host is restarted, run the pool-ha- enable command.
D. Run the host-evacuate command, then restart the host and run the pool-emergency- transition- to-master command.
Correct Answer: C

Scenario: In an environment with high availability enabled, an administrator discovered that a host is unreachable in a XenServer pool. The administrator disabled
high availability in order to make the host reachable.
Which xe CLI command can the administrator run to make the host reachable again?
A. host-disable
B. host-evacuate
C. pool-designate-new-master
D. pool-emergency-reset-master
Correct Answer: D

An administrator needs to run commands to specify to configure email alerts at the host level. (Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.)
A. alarm_priority on the host
B. alarm_priority on the virtual machine
C. the sender email address and SMTP server
D. the recipient email address and SMTP server
Correct Answer: D

An administrator needs to authenticate all users when they log into the XenServer pool using their Windows credentials.
What is the first step the administrator must take to achieve this?
A. Join the XenServer pool to the domain.
B. Add each user to the Users tab in XenCenter.
C. Create a XenServer user group within Active Directory.
D. Create Active Directory accounts for the XenServer users.
Correct Answer: A

What must be true in order to integrate Active Directory authentication with a XenServer host?
A. LDAP port 389 is open for inbound traffic to the XenServer host.
B. The Active Directory administrator account is created locally on the XenServer host.
C. The same DNS server is used for both the Active Directory server and the XenServer host.
D. RAS authentication is used for communication between the Active Directory server and the XenServer host.
Correct Answer: C

Scenario: An administrator configured XenServer Role Based Access Control (RBAC) to authenticate using Active Directory. Using RBAC, the administrator must
grant Level 2 Support users with permission to start and stop virtual machines.
Which two steps must the administrator take to grant Level 2 Support users virtual machine permissions? (Choose two.)
A. Assign a role to the subject.
B. Add an Active Directory group to the pool.
C. Assign XenServer permissions to a group.
D. Add users and their roles to the authorized list of users.
Correct Answer: AB

An administrator was given new security rules and now needs to remove specific permissions from the users in the VM Admin Role Based Access Control group.
How can the administrator remove the specific permissions from the VM Admin user group?
A. Reset the VM Admin user group back to the default permissions.
B. Delete the registry key that applies to the specific permissions that need to be removed.
C. Run the xe subject-role-remove uuid=<subject UUID> role-name=vm.pool_migrate XenServer command.
D. Remove the specific permissions from the Active Directory user group associated with the VM Admin user group.
Correct Answer: C

Scenario: An administrator is planning to introduce 100 new virtual machines into the environment. The administrator plans to use XenServer templates andduplication mechanisms.
What must the administrator consider when deciding between the full copy and fast clone duplication mechanisms?
A. A template needs to be copied before it can be fast cloned.
B. A virtual machine that is duplicated using the full copy method may impact disk performance.
C. A virtual machine that is duplicated using the fast cloned method may impact disk performance.
D. A template created on local storage can be duplicated by using the full copy method by any host in the pool.
Correct Answer: C

An administrator cloned a template into a virtual machine and then converted it back into a template.
Which action must be performed on the disks to restore expected levels of disk performance?
A. Run SysPrep
B. Complete a full copy
C. Execute a fast clone
D. Suspend before cloning
Correct Answer: B

Which item in the Provisioning Services Console will the administrator need to configure to delete a machine account from the Active Directory domain?
A. Farm
B. vDisk
C. Server
D. Target Device
Correct Answer: D

An administrator notices that the target device is NOT starting from a newly created vDisk, but other target devices using different vDisks are working.
Which action can the administrator take to correct this issue?
A. Restart the Stream Service.
B. Enable streaming on the vDisk.
C. Reset the Active Directory machine account password.
D. Change the vDisk access mode to Private Image mode.
Correct Answer: B

An administrator needs to configure a Provisioning services environment for Microsoft volume license management.
Which properties could the administrator configure to accomplish this task?
A. Farm
B. vDisk
C. Server
D. Target device
Correct Answer: B

Scenario: An administrator is delivering Windows virtual machines using Provisioning services. The administrator needs to reduce the impact on Provisioning
services disk consumption as well as maintain user operating system modifications.
Which cache mode must be used in this scenario?
A. Cache on Server
B. Cache in Device RAM
C. Cache on Server Persisted
D. Cache on Device Hard Drive Persisted
Correct Answer: D

Scenario: An administrator is in charge of distributing streamed Windows desktops to users using Provisioning services. Users have reported that they CANNOT
access any printers while using the streamed desktops. The administrator has confirmed local printers are installed in the base image.
What could be causing this issue?
A. Printer drivers are NOT configured.
B. Network printers are NOT assigned to the users.
C. Active Directory printers are assigned to the users.
D. Printer Management is enabled in the vDisk properties.
Correct Answer: D

A XenServer administrator is updating a shared disk image used by multiple virtual machines.
What must the administrator do before updating the shared disk image?A. Copy CIM.EXE to the vDisk.
B. Modify the vDisk cache type.
C. Disable streaming of the vDisk.
D. Change the vDisk access mode.
Correct Answer: D

Scenario: An administrator manages an environment with 200 private virtual machine images that need to be updated. Snapshots are NOT being used and the
virtual machines have been customized by the users.
Which step must the administrator take to update these images?
A. Enable automatic updates.
B. Merge differencing disk files.
C. Change the vDisk access mode.
D. Update each of the vDisks individually.
Correct Answer: D

Scenario: An administrator created a single vDisk in the Provisioning Services Console that will be delivered to multiple target devices. The operating system must
save user changes to applications.
Which two options did the administrator select while preparing the vDisk? (Choose two.)
A. Private Image mode
B. Cache in Device RAM
C. Standard Image mode
D. Cache on Hard Drive Persistent
Correct Answer: CD

An administrator needs to modify an application contained within a vDisk that is currently being used by multiple target devices.
Which option must the administrator select on the vDisk in order to modify the application?
A. Cache on Server
B. Private Image mode
C. Standard Image mode
D. Cache on Device Hard Disk
Correct Answer: B

An administrator needs to add a new group of similar computers to an existing Provisioning services farm.
Which type of resource could the administrator create in Provisioning services?
A. Farm
B. Store
C. Target Device
D. Device Collection
Correct Answer: D

An administrator has two datacenters, each of which has its own storage that can only be accessed by hosts that are in the same datacenter.
What could the administrator create to ensure that each host can only access its assigned storage?
A. Site
B. Store
C. Target device
D. Device collection
Correct Answer: A

Scenario: An administrator CANNOT use XenCenter to manage an existing XenServer host in a resource pool. The administrator found that the XenServer host
CANNOT communicate properly with XAPI.
What could be causing the communication issue on the failed host?
A. Dom0 is out of space.
B. NTP is NOT configured.
C. The root password is unknown.
D. The host CANNOT connect to Active Directory.
Correct Answer: A

Scenario: An administrator manages six XenServer hosts in a resource pool in which high availability is enabled. The administrator is notified that host fencing
occurred. Which two reasons could be causing the issue? (Choose two.)
A. CPU utilization reached 90%.
B. The resource pool is overcommitted.
C. The shared storage repository was disconnected.
D. There was a XenServer management network outage.
Correct Answer: CD

An administrator CANNOT use XenCenter to connect to an existing standalone XenServer host that has six virtual machines running.
What could be causing this issue?
A. NTP is NOT configured.
B. The XAPI Service stopped.
C. The XenServer DNS configuration is incorrect.
D. Communication with Active Directory has been lost.
Correct Answer: B

Scenario: An administrator tries to start a virtual machine on a host that has an NFS storage repository. The virtual machine gives the error “This virtual machine
needs storage that cannot be seen from the server.”
Which action, within XenCenter, can the administrator take on the NFS storage repository to correct this issue?
A. Repair
B. Forget
C. Detach
D. Set as default
Correct Answer: A

Scenario: An administrator manages a XenServer resource pool consisting of six XenServer hosts. A Windows XP virtual machine runs on a shared NFS storage
repository. The administrator needs to migrate the Windows XP virtual machine to another host but CANNOT.
What must the administrator do to migrate the Windows XP virtual machine?
A. Install XenServer Tools on the virtual machine.
B. Suspend and then migrate the virtual machine.
C. Enable multipathing on the virtual machine hard drive.
D. Place the virtual machine on shared Fibre Channel or iSCSI storage repository.
Correct Answer: A

An administrator of a Provisioning services environment notices that several of the target devices that are configured to use a vDisk on the provisioning server are
randomly failing to start and shut down.
What should the administrator check to prevent this issue from occurring?
A. The SOAP Service is running.
B. High availability is enabled on the vDisks.
C. The target devices are configured to start up from hard disk.
D. All network switch ports have spanning tree protocol disabled.
Correct Answer: D

Scenario: An administrator is troubleshooting a Provisioning services environment. After the administrator configured a new version of the vDisk for 10 identical
target devices all running on the same XenServer host, the administrator discovers that only the first target device started with the new vDisk configured. The other
nine target devices failed to startup.
What is one of the steps the administrator should take to resolve this issue?
A. Configure the PXE Service.
B. Configure the bootstrap file.
C. Restart the Stream Service.
D. Change the vDisk access mode.
Correct Answer: D

Scenario: An administrator is troubleshooting a Provisioning services farm that consists of two identical servers and 100 identical target devices. From the
Provisioning Services Console the administrator notices that one of the provisioning servers has twice the amount of target devices connected compared with the
other provisioning server. The vDisk used and the provisioning servers are configured to use high availability and load balancing.
What should the administrator check to correct load balancing?
A. Power Rating
B. Bootstrap options
C. vDisk access mode
D. Offline database support
Correct Answer: A

An administrator needs to configure dynamic memory control (DMC) for Microsoft Windows XP SP2 virtual machines in the XenServer pool.
What must the administrator do before DMC can be configured on the virtual machines?
A. Update the static memory range.
B. Upgrade to a XenServer Platinum license.
C. Upgrade the virtual machines to Microsoft Windows XP SP3.
D. Run the param-name=memory-static – {min, max} command.
Correct Answer: C

Scenario: An administrator is trying to start two new virtual machines in a XenServer resource pool in which several virtual machines are already running.
However, the virtual machines will NOT start.
What should the administrator do to get the two new virtual machines to start?
A. Disable XenServer Tools.
B. Configure workload balancing.
C. Enable dynamic memory control.
D. Assign virtual machines to a vApp.
Correct Answer: C

Scenario: An administrator needs to increase the maximum memory range from 1 GB to 2 GB on a virtual machine configured with dynamic memory control. The
virtual machine runs Windows Server 2008, has XenServer tools installed, and it is currently in a running state.
What should the administrator consider prior to adjusting the memory configuration of the virtual machine?
A. The XenServer host needs to have enough available memory.
B. XenServer workload balancing needs to be enabled on the host.
C. The virtual machine needs to be moved to another resource pool.
D. The virtual machine needs to be restarted in order for the changes to take effect.
Correct Answer: D

Which two policy modes must the administrator apply to implement a XenServer workload balancing policy to reduce power consumption and energy costs during
off peak hours? (Choose two.)
A. Maximize Density
B. Fixed Optimization
C. Maximize Performance
D. Scheduled Optimization
Correct Answer: AD

Which two policy modes must the administrator apply to implement a XenServer workload balancing policy to help reduce power consumption and energy costs
during all hours? (Choose two.)
A. Maximize Density
B. Fixed Optimization
C. Maximize Performance
D. Scheduled Optimization
Correct Answer: AB

Which two steps should an administrator take to back up the configuration of a virtual machine in XenServer on a regular basis? (Choose two.)
A. Schedule virtual machine metadata.
B. Access the resource pool configuration.
C. Access the backup, restore and update option.
D. Configure a scheduled snapshot of the virtual machine.
Correct Answer: AC

Which action must an administrator take to configure unattended backups of virtual machine configurations?
A. Schedule virtual machine metadata.
B. Schedule a virtual machine snapshot.
C. Configure virtual machine protection policies.
D. Configure a script for exporting virtual machines.
Correct Answer: A


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