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400-101 dumps

Kill your exam with Cisco 400-101 dumps real questions(88-123)

With the User Directory Software Blade, you can create R76 user definitions on a(n) _________ Server.
A. Secure ID
C. NT Domain
D. Radius
400-101 exam Correct Answer: B

Which describes the function of the account unit?
A. An Account Unit is the Check Point account that Smart Directory uses to access an (LDAP) server
B. An Account Unit is a system account on the Check Point gateway that Smart Directory uses to access an (LDAP) server
C. An Account Unit is the administration account on the LDAP server that Smart Directory uses to access to (LDAP) server
D. An Account Unit is the interface which allows interaction between the Security Management server and Security Gateways, and the Smart Directory (LDAP) server.
Correct Answer: D

An organization may be distributed across several Smart Directory (LDAP) servers. What provision do you make to enable a Gateway to use all available resources? Each Smart Directory (LDAP) server must be:
A. a member in the LDAP group.
B. a member in a group that is associated with one Account Unit.
C. represented by a separate Account Unit.
D. represented by a separate Account Unit that is a member in the LDAP group.
400-101 dumps Correct Answer: C

Which is NOT a method through which Identity Awareness receives its identities?
B. Captive Portal
C. AD Query
D. Identity Agent
Correct Answer: A

If using AD Query for seamless identity data reception from Microsoft Active Directory (AD), which of the following methods is NOT Check Point recommended?
A. Leveraging identity in Internet application control
B. Identity-based auditing and logging
C. Basic identity enforcement in the internal network
D. Identity-based enforcement for non-AD users (non-Windows and guest users)
400-101 pdf Correct Answer: D

When using Captive Portal to send unidentified users to a Web portal for authentication, which of the following is NOT a recommended use for this method?
A. Identity-based enforcement for non-AD users (non-Windows and guest users)
B. For deployment of Identity Agents
C. Basic identity enforcement in the internal network
D. Leveraging identity in Internet application control
Correct Answer: C

Identity Agent is a lightweight endpoint agent that authenticates securely with Single Sign-On (SSO). Which of the following is NOT a recommended use for this method?
A. When accuracy in detecting identity is crucial
B. Identity based enforcement for non-AD users (non-Windows and guest users)
C. Protecting highly sensitive servers
D. Leveraging identity for Data Center protection
400-101 vce Correct Answer: B

Which of the following access options would you NOT use when configuring Captive Portal?
A. Through the Firewall policy
B. From the Internet
C. Through all interfaces
D. Through internal interfaces
Correct Answer: B

Where do you verify that Smart Directory is enabled?
A. Global properties > Authentication> Use Smart Directory(LDAP) for Security Gateways is checked
B. Gateway properties> Smart Directory (LDAP) > Use Smart Directory(LDAP) for Security Gateways is checked
C. Gateway properties > Authentication> Use Smart Directory(LDAP) for Security Gateways is checked
D. Global properties > Smart Directory (LDAP) > Use Smart Directory(LDAP) for Security Gateways is checked
400-101 exam Correct Answer: D

Remote clients are using IPSec VPN to authenticate via LDAP server to connect to the organization. Which gateway process is responsible for the authentication?
A. vpnd
B. cpvpnd
C. fwm
D. fwd
Correct Answer: A

Remote clients are using SSL VPN to authenticate via LDAP server to connect to the organization. Which gateway process is responsible for the authentication?
A. vpnd
B. cpvpnd
C. fwm
D. fwd
400-101 dumps Correct Answer: B

Which of the following is NOT a LDAP server option in Smart Directory?
A. Novell_DS
B. Netscape_DS
D. Standard_DS
Correct Answer: D

An Account Unit is the interface between the __________ and the __________.
A. Users, Domain
B. Gateway, Resources
C. System, Database
D. Clients, Server
400-101 pdf Correct Answer: D

Which of the following is a valid Active Directory designation for user John Doe in the Sales department of AcmeCorp.com?
A. Cn=john_doe,ou=Sales,ou=acmecorp,dc=com
B. Cn=john_doe,ou=Sales,ou=acme,ou=corp,dc=com
C. Cn=john_doe,dc=Sales,dc=acmecorp,dc=com
D. Cn=john_doe,ou=Sales,dc=acmecorp,dc=com
Correct Answer: D

Which of the following is a valid Active Directory designation for user Jane Doe in the MIS department of AcmeCorp.com?
A. Cn= jane_doe,ou=MIS,DC=acmecorp,dc=com
B. Cn= jane_doe,ou=MIS,cn=acmecorp,dc=com

C. Cn=jane_doe,ou=MIS,dc=acmecorp,dc=com
D. Cn= jane_doe,ou=MIS,cn=acme,cn=corp,dc=com
400-101 vce Correct Answer: C

Which utility or command is useful for debugging by capturing packet information, including verifying LDAP authentication?
A. fw monitor
B. ping
C. um_core enable
D. fw debug fwm
Correct Answer: A

You can NOT use Smart Dashboard’s Smart Directory features to connect to the LDAP server. What should you investigate?
1. Verify you have read-only permissions as administrator for the operating system.
2. Verify there are no restrictions blocking Smart Dashboard’s User Manager from connecting to the LDAP server.
3. Check that the Login Distinguished Name configured has root (Administrator) permission (or at least write permission) in the access control configuration of the LDAP server.
A. 1 and 3
B. 2 and 3
C. 1 and 2
D. 1, 2, and 3
400-101 exam Correct Answer: B

If you are experiencing LDAP issues, which of the following should you check?
A. Secure Internal Communications (SIC)
B. Domain name resolution
C. Overlapping VPN Domains
D. Connectivity between the R76 Gateway and LDAP server
Correct Answer: D

How are cached usernames and passwords cleared from the memory of a R76 Security Gateway?
A. By using the Clear User Cache button in Smart Dashboard
B. By retrieving LDAP user information using the command fw fetch dap
C. Usernames and passwords only clear from memory after they time out
D. By installing a Security Policy
400-101 dumps Correct Answer: D

When an Endpoint user is able to authenticate but receives a message from the client that it is unable to enforce the desktop policy, what is the most likely scenario?
A. The user’s rights prevent access to the protected network.
B. A Desktop Policy is not configured.
C. The gateway could not locate the user in Smart Directory and is allowing the connection with limitations based on a generic profile.
D. The user is attempting to connect with the wrong Endpoint client.
Correct Answer: D

When using a template to define a Smart Directory, where should the user’s password be defined? In the:
A. Template object
B. VPN Community object
C. User object
D. LDAP object
400-101 pdf Correct Answer: C

When configuring an LDAP Group object, which option should you select if you want the gateway to reference the groups defined on the LDAP server for authentication purposes?
A. All Account-Unit’s Users
B. Only Group in Branch
C. Group Agnostic
D. OU Accept and select appropriate domain
Correct Answer: B

When configuring an LDAP Group object, which option should you select if you do NOT want the gateway to reference the groups defined on the LDAP server for authentication purposes?
A. OU Accept and select appropriate domain
B. Only Sub Tree
C. Only Group in Branch
D. Group Agnostic
400-101 vce Correct Answer: B

When configuring an LDAP Group object, which option should you select if you want the gateway to reference the groups defined on the LDAP server for authentication purposes?
A. Only Group in Branch
B. Only Sub Tree
C. OU Auth and select Group Name
D. All Account-Unit’s Users
Correct Answer: A

The process that performs the authentication for Smart Dashboard is:
A. fwm
B. vpnd
C. cvpnd

D. cpd
400-101 exam Correct Answer: A

The process that performs the authentication for Remote Access is:
A. cpd
B. vpnd
C. fwm
D. cvpnd
Correct Answer: B

The process that performs the authentication for SSL VPN Users is:
A. cvpnd
B. cpd
C. fwm
D. vpnd
400-101 dumps Correct Answer: A

The process that performs the authentication for legacy session authentication is:
A. cvpnd
B. fwm
C. vpnd
D. fwssd
Correct Answer: D

While authorization for users managed by Smart Directory is performed by the gateway, the authentication is mostly performed by the infrastructure in which of the following?
A. ldapd
B. cpauth
C. cpShared
D. ldapauth
400-101 pdf Correct Answer: B

When troubleshooting user authentication, you may see the following entries in a debug of the user authentication process. In which order are these messages likely to appear?
A. make_au, au_auth, au_fetchuser, au_auth_auth, cpLdapCheck, cpLdapGetUser
B. cpLdapGetUser, au_fetchuser, cpLdapCheck, make_au, au_auth, au_auth_auth
C. make_au, au_auth, au_fetchuser, cpLdapGetUser, cpLdapCheck, au_auth_auth
D. au_fetchuser, make_au, au_auth, cpLdapGetUser, au_auth_auth, cpLdapCheck
Correct Answer: C

Which of the following is NOT a Cluster XL mode?
A. Multicast
B. Legacy
C. Broadcast
D. New
400-101 vce Correct Answer: C

In an R76 Cluster, some features such as VPN only function properly when:
A. All cluster members have the same policy
B. All cluster members have the same Hot Fix Accumulator pack installed
C. All cluster members’ clocks are synchronized
D. All cluster members have the same number of interfaces configured
Correct Answer: C

In Cluster XL R76; when configuring a cluster synchronization network on a VLAN interface what is the supported configuration?
A. It is supported on VLAN tag 4095
B. It is supported on VLAN tag 4096
C. It is supported on the lowest VLAN tag of the VLAN interface
D. It is not supported on a VLAN tag
400-101 exam Correct Answer: C

Which process is responsible for delta synchronization in Cluster XL?
A. fw kernel on the security gateway
B. fwd process on the security gateway
C. cpd process on the security gateway
D. Clustering process on the security gateway
Correct Answer: A

Which process is responsible for full synchronization in Cluster XL?
A. fwd on the Security Gateway
B. fw kernel on the Security Gateway
C. Clustering on the Security Gateway
D. cpd on the Security Gateway
400-101 dumps Correct Answer: A

Which process is responsible for kernel table information sharing across all cluster members?
A. fwd daemon using an encrypted TCP connection
B. CPHA using an encrypted TCP connection
C. fw kernel using an encrypted TCP connection
D. cpd using an encrypted TCP connection

Correct Answer: A

400-101 dumps

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400-101 dumps

Pass4itsure Cisco CCIE 400-101 dumps exam test prep are prepared for people who participate in the Cisco certification 400-101 exam. “CCIE Routing and Switching Written Exam”, also known as 400-101 exam, is a Cisco certification which covers all the knowledge points of the real Cisco exam. Pass4itsure Cisco 400-101 dumps exam questions answers are updated (399 Q&As) are verified by experts. The associated certifications of 400-101 dumps is CCIE Routing and Switching. If you want to scale new heights in the IT industry, select Pass4itsure please. Our Cisco CCIE https://www.pass4itsure.com/400-101.html dumps exam test prep can help you pass the IT exams.

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