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Who can share updated Cisco 300-135 dumps exam questions that are really actual? The Troubleshooting and Maintaining Cisco IP Networks (300-135 TSHOOT) exam is a 120 minutes (15-25 questions) assessment in pass4itsure that is associated with the CCNP Routing and Switching certification. 100% pass rate prepare for Cisco 300-135 dumps practise exam questions CCDP certification free video study.  “Troubleshooting and Maintaining Cisco IP Networks” is the exam name of Pass4itsure Cisco 300-135 dumps test which designed to help candidates prepare for and pass the Cisco 300-135 exam. But our preparation material for Cisco300-135 dumps is very easy to learn in terms of easy Cisco 300-135 study tools, easy and comprehensive content, latest https://www.pass4itsure.com/300-115.html dumps pdf questions dumps, online guidelines and tutorials and many more for your better understanding.

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300-135 dumps

Kill your exam with Cisco 300-135 dumps real questions(56-80)

An internal auditor is reviewing a new automated human resources system. The system contains a table of pay rates which are matched to the employee job classifications. The best control to ensure that the table is updated correctly for only valid pay changes would be to:
A. Limit access to the data table to management and line supervisors who have the authority to determine pay rates.
B. Require a supervisor in the department, who does not have the ability to change the table, to compare the changes to a signed management authorization.
C. Ensure that adequate edit and reasonableness checks are built into the automated system.
D. Require that all pay changes be signed by the employee to verify that the change goes to a bona fide employee.
300-135 exam Correct Answer: B

What is the most important risk in determining the validity of construction delay claims?
A. Contractor claims may be submitted prior to completion of the work.
B. Contractor claims may include costs considered in the fixed-price portion of the work.
C. Contractor claims may include subcontractor estimates of balances due to the subcontractor.
D. Contractor claims may be understated.
Correct Answer: B

Question No : 58 Log-Usage Reports are accessible ______________. (Choose One)
A. in the System Management application
B. the case manager portal
C. when you run PAL
D. in the Tracer window
300-135 dumps Answer: A

Question No : 59  The term storage stream in the PAL reading represents ________________. (Choose One)
A. the database table where the work item is persisted
B. the database table which the data tables and other external classes are pointing to
C. the data stored in the BLOB column of a PRPC database
D. the data stored for the stream(User interface) rules
Answer: C

Question No : 60 Storing instances in the table pr_other is ________. (Choose One)
A. a good practice as it is helpful in providing flexibility to your application
B. a poor practice as the table does not contain adequate columns and indexes
C. a poor practice as the table name is too generic
D. a good practice as it improves reusability
300-135 pdf Answer: B

Question No : 61 The button labels on a flow action can be customized in ________? (Choose Two)
A. the properties panel of the pxButton control
B. the flow action rule itself
C. the section rule that is referenced in the flow action
D. a section used in the Action area of a harness
E. the button area of the harness
Answer: B,D

Question No : 62 Which of the following is not recommended for flow actions? (Choose One)
A. Enabling the client side validation on a flow action
B. Using HTML rule as the source
C. Modifying the short description of the flow action
D. Using NO HTML as the source
300-135 vce Answer: B

Question No : 63 Which of the following is most accurate about the branding wizard? (Choose One)
A. Finish all steps in the same order only during creating a new skin
B. Finish all steps in the same order only when copying a standard skin
C. The skin can be modified in the branding wizard multiple times
D. Must always use quick create when creating a new skin
Answer: C

Question No : 64 A section rule cannot be placed in ______________? (Choose One)
A. a layout
B. container
C. flow action
D. harness
E. portal
300-135 exam Answer: E

Question No : 65  While entering personal information, First name and Last name must accept only textual (non-numeric). What is the best validation type that you can choose in this scenario? (Choose One)
A. Define Text in the Property Type
B. Use TextInput in the Control
C. Use an Edit validate rule
D. Invoke a validate rule in the flow action
Answer: C

Question No : 66
The Spouse Info section must be visible only when the Marital Status is “Married”. What is the best way to implement this behavior if the changes need to be enforced at the client side? (Choose One)
A. Adding a Visible when rule on the section include
B. Adding a Visbile when rule on all labels and fields
C. Custom Javascript to hide/show the spouse information
D. Adding a Refresh when rule on the section include which is dependent on the marital status property
300-135 dumps Answer: A

Question No : 67
When a state is selected the city field must refresh and show only the choices that are appropriate for that state, how do we do that in PRPC? (Choose One)
A. Use a decision table to constrain the choices
B. Write an activity to get the results for the second choice
C. Use dynamic select and apply cascading condition on the second one
D. Use a custom jquery control
Answer: C

Question No : 68
What is the most appropriate way to fix the alignment issue on smart layouts? For example, considering the figure below, how would you fix the “Social Security Number” label that is wrapped? (Choose One)
A. Increase the column width of smart layouts to avoid wrapping
B. Use a custom layout since smart layouts are not flexible
C. Adjust the smart layout width in the branding wizard for a single smart layout
D. Write custom HTML rule to fix the alignment
300-135 pdf Answer: C

Question No : 69
Which of the following statements is most accurate if we need to use a different image instead of red X : (Choose One)
A. Modify the Error section using the branding wizard
B. Customize the image in the Perform harness rule
C. Customize the image in the workform section
D. Cannot be changed
Answer: A

Question No : 70
A .ProductID property must store Product ID values (e.g. “P-123”), but user interface control for it must allow users to pickfrom a list that displaysboth the Product IDand the Product Name. Which PRPC UI control would you use for this requirement without any special customization?
A. AutoComplete
B. DynamicSelect
C. RadioButton
D. pxTextInput
300-135 vce Answer: A

Question No : 71  Which statements pertaining to the Associated RuleSet setting on data instances is most accurate? (Choose Two)
A. Access group instances must be associated with a RuleSet
B. Associating a RuleSet to a data instance assists in application packaging
C. The associated RuleSet for data instances of certain classes are set by wizards
D. Only data associated with RuleSets in your runtime stack can be accessed
E. Operator ID instances must be associated with RuleSet
Answer: B,C

Question No : 72  Which of the following are the most appropriate ways to include data instances into your Rule-Admin-Product? (Choose Two)
A. Checking the associated data check box on each included RuleSet/Application
B. Selecting individual data instances
C. Invoking an activity that finds the instances based on meta data
D. Attaching data instances as linked properties
E. No additional work is required if the data is associated with a RuleSet
300-135 exam Answer: A,B

Question No : 73
Which of the following statements most accurately describes DCO Sessions? (Choose One)
A. DCO sessions are aimed at deciding what can be done in that sprint
B. DCO sessions are only conducted in the Inception stage
C. DCO sessions discuss a single work type, design draft flows and User interfaces for that work type
D. All business requirements documents must be available before the start of a DCO session
Answer: C

Question No : 74
Which of the following is the most appropriate way to start an enterprise application? (Choose One)
A. Use the Enterprise Application Accelerator
B. Use the Application Express wizard
C. Enterprise applications should use a hand-crafted class structure
D. Use the System Management Application
Answer: A

Question No : 75
Which of the following statements most accurately describes declarative rules? (Choose One)
A. Declarative rules are executed by PRPC directly making them less error prone and easier to maintain
B. Declarative rules should only be used in rule engine applications that do not have a user interface
C. Declarative rules can only be used for numeric computation
D. Declarative rules can only be run on work objects
300-135 dumps Answer: A

Question No : 76
Which of the following is not a feature supported by When rules? (Choose One)
A. Custom Boolean logic
B. Parameterized inputs
C. Executing a utility function
D. Rule Delegation
300-135 pdf Answer: B

Question No : 77  Which of the following rules is most appropriate to use for the following requirement? Requirement: “Track changes to the total amount field that are persisted to the database (not temporary changes). For each change write an entry to the audit trail showing the old and new value”. (Choose One)
A. Declare Trigger
B. Declare OnChange
C. Declare Expressions
D. Access When
Answer: A

Question No : 78
Which of the following is not a proper use of a Declare OnChange rule? (Choose One)
A. You wish to suspend work and call an audit flow when a risk score goes above a threshold
B. You wish to execute an activity to call decision trees and decision tables
C. Provide client side calculations of a price when line items change
D. You wish to track all changes to a property value during calculations of a risk score
300-135 vce Answer: C

Question No : 79
Which of the following statements are most accurate regarding Declare Triggers? (Choose Two)
A. They can be configured to run an activity when an object is committed to the database
B. They are run directly on the database server
C. They must have an applies to class that descends from Work
D. There can be only 1 trigger defined per work type
E. They can track changes in properties including the old and new values
Answer: A,E

During an audit of a branch bank, an internal auditor learned that a series of system failures had resulted in a four-day delay in processing customers’ scheduled payroll direct deposits. The first failure was that of a disk drive, followed by software and other minor failures. Which of the following controls should the auditor recommend to avoid similar delays in processing?
A. Contingency planning.
B. Redundancy checks.
C. Process monitoring.
D. Preventive maintenance.
300-135 exam Correct Answer: A

300-135 dumps

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